The Common Council is meeting 03/01/2023 at 7:00 PM.
There are not a lot of action items on the agenda, but there were a few items that garnered discussion at the committee level and may end up being separated out for individual votes.
The scope approval for a Complete Streets study by Alta Consultants was discussed pretty thoroughly by the Municipal Services Committee. This would expand the scope of the previously approved pedestrian safety study to be a more comprehensive Complete Streets study, and it was amended by the committee to include aldermanic feedback on streets/pedestrian crossings that needed attention within their districts.

Several items related to the remodeling project for Valley Transit’s Whitman Avenue facility were discussed by the Transit Commission and the Finance Committee. Both committees approved the request by Valley Transit to accept around $3.4 million in grants which would be used to pay for 2023 capital projects (including Phase 1 of the Whiteman Avenue facility) as well as to submit grant applications for additional funds that could be used for Phase 2 of the Whitman Avenue facility and the downtown Transit Center redevelopment project.

Additionally, the Transit Commission approved a request to aware the Whitman Avenue Phase 1 Construction Project to SMA Construction Services for a total not to exceed $7,040,250.

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