Mayor Woodford Provides Further Details On Trout Museum’s Communication With The City – “Council was clear with us that they expected us to devote as little staff time as possible to this process and analysis to ensure minimum taxpayer expense. As such […] I opted to not engage staff and I, myself, was minimally engaged”

Last week, Mayor Woodford updated the Common Council on Trout Museum of Art’s proposal to build a museum on the grounds of the Ellen Kort Peace Park. In that update reported “The Trout Museum of Art had engaged Westwood Professional Services to conduct the Phase […]

Municipal Services Committee Holds Bird E-Scooter Vote Until 03/06/2023 Meeting – Indicates Desire To Change Agreement To 1-Year Instead of 2-Year, Wants To Learn More About How Bird Is Handling Parking And Safety Issues

The Municipal Services Committee met 02/20/2023. One of the items they took up was the request to approve a two-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Bird Rides, Inc for an electric scooter program within the city through December 31, 2024. The committee discussed some of […]