Finance Committee Meeting 02/20/2023 – Will Vote On Vosters Park Redevelopment Contract, Request By Business To Refund Tax Overpayment

The Finance Committee is meeting 02/20/2023 at 5:30PM.

They will be voting on a couple items that will also be coming before the Transit Commission: (1) the request to approve the acceptance of $3.4 million in ARPA and Coronavirus relief grants and (2) the request to seek federal funding for Phase 2 of the Whitman Avenue transit facility.

They’ll also be voting to approve the levying of assessments for the construction of pavement, sidewalks, and driveway aprons on Amethyst and Bluetopaz Drives as well as assessments for the installation of sanitary laterals, storm laterals, and storm mains on Alice Street, Linwood Avenue, and Summit Street.

Additionally, it looks like a local business paid 2022 personal property taxes on property even though their lease had ended and they had vacated the building in 2019, so the business is requesting that the taxes they incorrectly paid be refunded.

Finally, the committee will be voting on a request to award the 2023 Vosters Park Redevelopment Project to Triple P Inc, for an amount not to exceed $111,550. This item was put on hold twice while the city worked with the residents in the Vosters Park neighborhood to come up with a plan for the park that the residents approved of.

View full meeting details here:

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