Board Of Zoning Appeals Meeting 02/20/2023 – Will Consider 3 Variances Requests Related To Accessory Dwelling Units

The Board of Zoning Appeals is holding their first meeting of 2023 on 02/20/2023 at 7:30PM. They will be voting on three variance requests, all three of which are related to accessory dwelling units. The first request is from a property owner who would like […]

Finance Committee Meeting 02/20/2023 – Will Vote On Vosters Park Redevelopment Contract, Request By Business To Refund Tax Overpayment

The Finance Committee is meeting 02/20/2023 at 5:30PM. They will be voting on a couple items that will also be coming before the Transit Commission: (1) the request to approve the acceptance of $3.4 million in ARPA and Coronavirus relief grants and (2) the request […]

Parks And Recreation Committee Meeting 02/20/2023 – Will Receive 2022 Annual Reports For Recreation Division, Grounds Division, And Reid Golf Course

The Parks and Recreation Committee is meeting 02/20/2023 at 6:30PM. There are no action items on the agenda, but the committee will be receiving three 2022 annual reports, one from the Recreation Division, one of the Grounds Division, and one from Reid Golf Course. View […]