Mayor Woodford Provides Council With Update On 12/26/2022 Polymer Incident – Praises The Hard Work Of Staff Which Helped Avoid A More Serious Issue

The Common Council met 02/15/2023. In addition to the update on the Trout Museum/Ellen Kort Peace Park proposal, Mayor Woodford also provided an update on the Polymer Incident that the wastewater treatment plan experienced on 12/26/2022. I’ve provided a complete transcript of the discussion for […]

Mayor Woodford Provides Statement On Status Of Trout Museum/Ellen Kort Peace Park Proposal – Trout Currently Reviewing Environmental Assessment Report

The Common Council met 02/15/2023. At that meeting, Mayor Woodford provided an update on where the Trout Museum is in its journey to gain approval to construct a museum building on the grounds of Ellen Kort Peace Park. This was touched on briefly during the […]