Library Board Meeting 02/15/2023 – Will Set Library Director’s 2023 Performance Goals, Receive Personnel & Policy 101 Presentation

The Library Board Personnel and Policy Committee is meeting 02/15/2023 at 1PM. The one action item on the agenda is to establish the Library Director’s 2023 Performance Goals. As an information item, they will also be reviewing a presentation entitled Personnel and Policy 101. The […]

Members Of Public Raise Concerns To Board Of Health Regarding Noise Variances Being Granted To Fox River House

The Board of Health met 02/08/2023. One of the information items they discussed was the Approved Noised Variances. I’ve prepared a complete transcript of the discussion. This item received public feedback from a couple downtown residents who had ongoing issues with the amount of noise […]

Board Of Health Receives Report From State DHS Representative On Health Department’s Strengths And Growth Opportunities

The Board of Health met 02/08/2023. There were no action items, but there were a number of information items, the first one of which was the presentation of the Level III Health Department Designation to the Appleton Health Department. I’ve prepared a complete transcription of […]