Board Of Education Meeting 02/13/2023 – Will Receive Mid-Year District Scorecard Update, Vote On Lease Amendment For Scullen Leadership Center

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 02/13/2023. The meeting will begin in closed session starting at 5:30PM and will continue is open session, viewable to the public, either at 6PM or when the closed session ends (whichever is later).

The closed session portion of the meeting will be focused on a request to amend the current Scullen Leadership Center lease to add additional square footage. Per the memo to the Board, leasing additional space would allow them to bring three more departments currently housed in Morgan Building over to the Scullen Leadership Center. The spaced freed up at the Morgan Building could then be used for student programing, much of which is taking place in leased spaces which would no longer be needed.

Outside of the lease amendment, there are very few items that the Board will be voting on during the meeting, and they are in fact comprised of all routine items such as the check register and new hires, contract changes, resignations, and retirements. The one administrative resignation stood out to me simply because of the short length of employment time; the Associate Director of Special Education will be resigning effective 02/13/2023 after only 6 and a half months at AASD.

Although not an action item, the Board will be receiving a mid-year update on the District Scorecard.

View full meeting details here:

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