Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim’s Invocation At 02/16/2022 Common Council Meeting – “[The phrase “God Bless You”] can and does still do a great deal for the human race as it spreads a message of care and well wishes for fellow human beings through the invocation of God’s blessing, and that is something desperately needed in today’s world of division.”

Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Hartzheim. Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim (District 13): Thank you, Chair. On this day February 16th in 600 AD Pope Gregory the First also known as Gregory the Great issued a papal decree requiring all Christians to use […]

Municipal Services Committee Denies Resident’s Appeal Of $75 Tire Collection Fee

The Municipal Services Committee met 02/21/2022. Much of the meeting was taken up by discussion of the No Mow May resolution, but they did also handle other business one item of which was an appeal by a resident for a $75 fee he received after […]

Municipal Services Committee Holds “No Mow May” Resolution Until Next Committee Meeting

The Municipal Services Committee met 02/21/2022. The item that took up the most amount of time was Resolution 3-R-22 regarding Municipal Code Chapter 12, Article III, Weeds and Wild Growth. There was one member in the audience who wanted to speak about this item. Israel […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Denies Variance Request To Build Deck 15 Feet From Front Property Line

The Board of Zoning Appeals met 02/21/2022 and took up two variance requests one of which was for a residential property on Fremont Street. The property owner wanted to install an 8’x21’ deck in the front of their house that would be 15’ off of […]

Library Board Meeting 02/24/2022 – Will Vote On Bill Register, Receive Annual Reports, Review Library Use Statistics For October Through December

The Library Board is meeting 02/24/2022 at 4PM. They will be approving the December and January bill registers and voting on 2022 budget amendment requests. They will also be receiving 4 reports: (1) Wisconsin Public Library 2021 Annual Report, (2) Report of the Library Finance […]

Finance Committee Votes On 4 Property Tax Refund Requests – Approves 2, Denies 2

The Finance Committee met 02/21/2022. Although they had eight action items on the agenda, it was a short meeting lasting slightly less than 15 minutes. The first two items they took up were the requests from Vantage Financial Leasing to refund their 2020 personal property […]