Alderperson Vaya Jones’ Invocation At 12/07/2022 Common Council Meeting – “As you go about the month, I urge you: return your cart. Literally metaphorically, symbolically. Take that extra step to show others grace and kindness.”

[I don’t often comment on alderperson invocations, but I must say I never in a million years expected to hear an Appleton alderperson give an invocation that could have come straight from Matt Walsh. Some issues truly are completely non-partisan.] Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will […]

Library Board Meeting 12/20/2022 – Will Receive Library Project Update, Vote On 2023 Budget

The Library Board is meeting 12/20/2022 at 4:30PM. The action items are fairly routine consisting of approval of the November Bill Register and a budget amendment. They will also be setting the 2023 Library Board meeting schedule and approving the 2023 Library Budget. Information items […]