City Plan Commission Meeting 12/14/2022 – Will Vote On Rezoning Request, Street Discontinuance And Vacation

The City Plan Commission is meeting 12/14/2022 at 3:30PM. They have four action items on the agenda, three of which have associated public hearings.

A property owner is requesting to rezone a property from Commercial to Residential so that they can renovate the house into “a modern, affordable rent, 2 unit property.” City staff has reviewed the request, found that it meets the rezoning criteria laid out in city code, and is recommending approval.

The City of Appleton is requesting approval of a street discontinuance and vacation which would cause portions of formerly public land which the city no longer needs for the right-of-way to be attached to the adjacent neighboring lots.

There’s also a request to approve an amendment to the Floodplain Zoning article of Chapter 23 of the Municipal Code and a request to approve a certified survey map.

View full meeting details here:

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