Look. I understand this is in Grand Chute, not Appleton so it’s technically outside my bailiwick, but still I must ask…what is the point of wearing a mask when engaging in shenanigans at Woodmans if you don’t actually even put the mask on?

Look. I understand this is in Grand Chute, not Appleton so it’s technically outside my bailiwick, but still I must ask…what is the point of wearing a mask when engaging in shenanigans at Woodmans if you don’t actually even put the mask on?
As an avid reader, I will disclose this little bit about me – I am not from around here. I did not grow up and live my entire life in the Fox Valley, only the last 5 years. In that context… I usually have no clue what municipality I am at any time.
It took me years to realize Woodman’s is in Grand Chute, let alone all the gerrymandered borders of the towns, villages and cities in the state. I am from one of the original 13 colonies where borders were pretty much set before Wisconsin was incorporated, so the fact that, for example, the new Neenah High School isn’t in Neenah is baffling to me.
So regarding the reference, yes – it is appropriate to mention here.
As for the masking… that is something that baffles me equally. I see many people with them under their chin, then move up when someone comes near. I don’t get it. But I also don’t get people who ride a bicycle while wearing a mask but not a helmet.
I honestly have less judgemental thoughts about people who are neurotic about covid and wear their masks in bizarre and unproductive ways than I do toward alleged shoplifters like this woman who have a ready excuse in Covid to disguise their identity but then don’t actually pull their masks up. She had the mask. It would have taken 1 second to pull up. Why didn’t she do that?
I can relate to Wes’s comment, even though I grew up in Kimberly. I left for college in 1976, when cornfields separated Kimberly, Appleton, Neenah, etc. Now they’ve all grown together and school district, postal, and political, and municipal borders all seldom align, so the names of schools (his point) and postal addresses and so on are often confusing. Still, decentralization has its merits… I’m glad we aren’t all regulated by the Appleton city council!
Regarding masks, Covid was a boon for shoplifters, I’m sure, and this lady failed the IQ test even for that profession! In Madison, I’ve seen people wearing masks while on motorcycles and without helmets! Masks don’t stop the spread of viruses, including Covid, but they may protect the health of people with compromised immune systems due to any number of things, so I forgive elderly and obese people who wear them.
Hi Joe. I am so sorry I didn’t approve your comment in a timely manner. As I posted last week, this is the busiest week of the year at my work, so I haven’t been focusing on the website.
I don’t really mind when I see people wearing masks, as useless as they seem to be. But I have to admit, I have some profoundly judgmental thoughts toward shoplifters who aren’t smart enough to wear them.