The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 11/28/2022 at 6PM.
They will be voting on some curriculum and materials updates for several classes.
The Board will also be receiving the scores for several monitoring reports including Health & Human Performance, Fine Arts, and World Languages. These reports appear to have only recently been established and are in their baseline year, the results of which will be used to compare future years.
The Youth Risk Behavior Survey which is part of the Health and Human Performance report includes some notable results. In fall of 2021, 57% of AASD middle schoolers and 51% of AASD high schoolers demonstrated higher risks for mental health concerns, during that same time only 42% of middle schoolers and a mere 24% of high schoolers demonstrated “ability to self-manage ‘most of the time or always get emotional support when needed’”. [The wording in the report is not entirely clear, but the way it is presented makes it sound like less than 1/4th of high schoolers are able to self-regulate their emotions. One can only hope that isn’t actually what this report is stating.]

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