The Finance Committee met 11/21/2022. The meeting was brief and the two action items were approve unanimously.
I’ve prepared a complete transcript of the meeting for download.
The request to approve a sole-source contract for a three-year license with ESRI for GIS services was approved with no discussion.

The other action item did garner some discussion. It was a request to award the Appleton Waste Water Treatment Plan Phase I Belt Filter Press Equipment Upgrades Project Base Bid with no Alternate Bids to Staab Construction in the amount of $5,063,000 with 15% contingency of $759,450 for a project total not to exceed $5,822,450, along with a budget amendment moving $100,000 from a sludge storage building addition project to this belt filter press equipment project.

Utilities Director Chris Shaw explained to the committee that this project pertained not to the liquid from the waste water treatment plant that entered the Fox River but, rather, to the solids portion of the facility. The solids go through digestion and are reduced in mass, but the end result is a product that needs to be dewatered.
The equipment in question was 30 years old and could not continue to be rebuilt.
They had to split this project into two phases due to the change in the bidding climate over the last year. Normally for a project of this size, they would see three or four bidders, but they only had two companies bid on this one.
Although the project was $100,000 over budget, they were able to take $100,000 from another project that had been completed earlier this year and come in underbudget and reallocate it to this project.
View full meeting details and video here:
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