The Appleton Redevelopment Authority is holding a special meeting 11/17/2022 at 9AM.
They may go into closed session and will be voting on a request to secure an accepted Offer to Purchase for 222 N Oneida Street by Valley Transit. This is for the parcel of land directly north of the downtown Valley Transit Center which used to be the location of the Menn Law Firm.
The offer is for $150,000 subject to 4 contingencies:
- Buyer setting aside $50,000 (“closure funds”) to be used solely for the purpose of final site remediation of the Property and obtaining all required closure documentation from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (“DNR”). The closure funds will be held by the City of Appleton in a segregated account and available to the Appleton Redevelopment Authority, or its authorized agent, to be applied solely for costs incurred for the Property’s environmental analysis, additional required remediation and closure by the DNR. Buyer and Seller anticipate the services of Westwood Infrastructure, Inc. will be engaged for these services. Any unspent/unobligated closure funds may be applied toward the purchase price or refunded to Buyer at Buyer’s sole discretion. If additional funds are required under this section, Buyer shall have to option to deposit additional funds or terminate this Offer. In the event Buyer does not purchase the property for any reason, Buyer waives any claim for reimbursement of spent/obligated closure funds.
- Buyer shall be granted permission to access the Property for geotechnical and similar testing to evaluate the Property’s suitability for Buyer’s intended development of the Property. Buyer shall restore the site to its original condition subsequent to any testing. In the event such test results reveal the Property is not suitable for Buyer’s intended development, Buyer may rescind this Offer.
- The Federal Transit Administration must approve Buyer’s purchase of the Property.
- The Appleton Common Council must approve Buyer’s purchase of the Property.

View full meeting details here:
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