Common Council Meeting 11/02/2022 – Will Receive Library Project Update; Vote On Street Terrace Policy, 2024 Alderperson Salaries, Non-Union Employee Compensation, Wastewater Rate Increase

The Common Council is meeting 11/02/2022 at 7PM.

Mayor Woodford will be  presenting a number of proclamations. The Council will also receive an update on the Library Project.

There seemed to be some technical issues with the videos of the committee meetings last weeks. A number of the recordings when first posted were unavailable or quite glitchy and difficult to watch. The issues only seemed to get resolved later in the week. All of that is to say, I didn’t get to watch as many meetings as usual, so I’m a little in the dark as to what items may warrant being separated out for individual votes, but I can at least recognize some items of note….

The modifications to the city’s street terrace policy has been an ongoing item for several month.

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee made a recommendation to maintain the current alderperson salary level for 2024.

Although I was not able to view this portion of the meeting and therefore don’t have a recap of the discussion, the Human Resources and Information Technology Committee also voted to approve a compensation program for non-union employees.

Another item I wasn’t able to recap was the Utility Committee’s recommendation to approve a Wastewater rate increase of 7% for general service.

View full meeting details here:

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