The City Plan Commission met 10/27/2022. I’ve prepared a full transcript for your downloading pleasure.
It was a brief meeting clocking in at slightly under 10 minutes. There were only two action items on the agenda.
The first action item was a request to approve a special use permit for a bar/tavern called Pillow Talk and Wine located at 2310 W. College Avenue (the corner of College and Perkins Street).

This item also had an associated Public Hearing. The only person who spoke at the public hearing was Lisa, the CEO of Pillow Talk and Wine. She told them that she had bought a home in Appleton 4 years ago, and was trying to set down roots and share with all her neighbors. She hoped they would approve the permit.
In response to a couple questions from Commissioner Andrew Dane, City Planner David Kress clarified that the bar would not take up the entire building but only the area highlighted in the application, they had not received any feedback from the other building tenants, and the proposal for the bar was only for alcohol sales and consumption, not food as well.

The commission unanimously approved the request for a special use permit.
The second item on the agenda was a request to approve modifications of regulations to areas of the city code in order to facilitate joining two residential parcels of land that would not otherwise be permitted by code to be joined.

Principal Planner Kress explained to the committee that the two parcels actually used to be part of the same lot until that larger property was subdivided into three parcels back in 2018. The property owner wanted to combine two of those three parcels back together again, but doing so would create a lot with a double frontage and somewhat irregular proportions. The city’s subdivision ordinance has language that typically prevents those two things from occurring, but Common Council had the ability to modify those regulations when necessary. Staff was recommending approval.
Alderperson Denise Fenton (District 6) asked if the third parcel that was not being joined had anything currently built on it. Principal Planner Kress responded that both that parcel (which was not being combined) and the southwestern parcel (which was being combined) were currently vacant.

There were no further questions or comments, and the commission voted unanimously to approve the request to modify the regulations as they related to these lots. It was noted by Principal Planner Kress that the next step in the process of combining the lots would be to get a certified survey map.
View full meeting details and video here:
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