Per the Wisconsin DHS website, last week from 10/16/2022 through 10/22/2022, Appleton recorded 56 confirmed coronavirus cases and 13 probable cases for a total of 69. No new deaths were recorded and the total since the beginning of the pandemic remains at 166.
Outagamie, Calumet, and Winnebago counties are all in the “Low” Covid-19 Community Level as determined by the CDC’s metrics which means that Appleton, which straddles those three counties, is also in the “Low” category.

Appleton recorded its first case of coronavirus on 03/18/2020, so we are now on our third year of Covid tracking. The current 7-day running average of confirmed and probable cases is 9.86 as compared to 32.29 on this day last year, and 57.71 the year before. We had 69 total cases this last week, as compared to 227 on this week last year, and 479 the year before.
During the full 2020-21 cycle we had 96 total deaths with/from coronavirus as compared to 63 during the 2021-22 cycle. Right now, we have had 7 deaths since March 18, 2022, as compared to 19 deaths between March 18 and October 22 in 2021 and 26 in 2020.

At the end of the first-year cycle, the death rate for known cases of coronavirus was 1.20%. At the end of the second-year cycle, the death rate was down to 0.49%. Currently, in the third-year cycle from March 18 to October 22, the death rate for known cases of coronavirus is at 0.21%.

There are currently 3 WI county in the “High” level, 21 in the “Medium” level, and 48 counties in the “Low” level.

The fully vaccinated rates for the “High” counties range from 42.0% to 59.7%. The “Medium” counties range from 36.1% to 80.8%. The “Low” counties had fully vaccinated rates ranging from 45.3% to 85.5%.

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