City Plan Commission Meeting 10/26/2022 – Will Vote On Special Use Permit For Bar, Regulations Related To Combining Two Parcels

The City Plan Commission is meeting 10/26/2022 at 3:30PM. They just have a couple action items on the agenda.

The first is a request for a special use permit for a bar/tavern on the corner of College Avenue and Perkins Street. Staff is recommending approval.

The second request is to approve a modification of regulations to a couple sections of city code. These modifications are required because a property owner wants to combine two adjacent lots into one lot, creating a double frontage lot with irregular proportions, and, apparently, there are rules about double frontage lots that come into play. Staff is recommending approval of the request.

Of note, both parcels being combined are zoned as residential. While there does not seem to be any plan to rezone the combined lot to something other than residential, during the 08/10/2022 meeting Commissioner Sabrina Robinson voted against a request to combine some residential parcels because she was concerned about losing a lot upon which a house could potentially be built.

It remains to be seen if any concerns will be raised as to the impact this particular combining of parcels will have on the city’s housing market.

View full meeting details here:

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