Transit Commission Meeting 10/25/2022 – Will Vote On Environmental Testing Contract For Transit Center Project, Review 2023 Budget

The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 10/25/2022 at 3PM.

They will be voting to award a geotechnical and environmental services contract to Westwood Infrastructure, Inc. Westwood will install monitoring wells and conduct environmental testing on the Valley Transit Site which is a necessary step in order to apply for an FTA Grant to pay for a new transit center.

They will also be voting to certify Valley Transit’s Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan.

They will also be receiving a number of information items, many of which are routine including a Valley Transit II Service Update, the September Financial Report and Ridership Report, and a staffing update. [It would be nice if they would show the ridership numbers from 2019 before Covid as a comparison. It does not look like ridership is bouncing back to pre-Covid levels. Back in September of 2019, fixed route ridership stood at 83,500, but now in 2022 it’s only at 61,400. Do the number of riders really justify building a fancy new expensive transit center?]

The commission will also be reviewing Valley Transit’s 2023 proposed budget.

View full meeting details here:

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