Municipal Services Committee Meeting 10/24/2022 – Will Vote On Street Terrace Policy Modification Resolution

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 10/24/2022 at 4:30PM.

The action item of most interest to the public is, I expect, the modifications to the City of Appleton Street Terrace Policy. Resolution 7-R-22 calls for modifying the city’s existing street terrace policy to allow residents to, among other things, plant vegetable gardens in street terraces. While there has been seemingly fairly broad support among council members for the concept in general, the original modified policy which city staff came up with was confusing and unclear, and when the resolution came before the Council in September, they referred it back to the Municipal Services Committee for a second look.

Since that time, city staff has worked on redrafting the policy to improve clarity, and the updated policy will be reviewed and voted on by the Municipal Services Committee on 10/24/2022.

The committee will also be discussing the 2023 budget.

View full meeting details here:

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