Municipal Services Committee Meeting 10/10/2022 – Will Vote On Two Street Reconstruction Projects, Receive September Bird E-Scooter Report

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 10/10/2022 at 4:30PM.

It looks like it won’t be too eventful of a meeting.

The committee was supposed to take up the resolution modifying the city’s street terrace policy. This resolution would have allowed residents to, among other things, plant vegetable gardens in their terraces. It was put on hold so that staff could work on clarifying the language and was scheduled to come back before the committee on 10/07/2022, but staff is requesting 2 more weeks to finalize the updated policy language.

Agenda action items are rounded out with two street reconstruction projects.

Finally, the committee will be receiving the September Bird e-scooter report. It looks like September was the first month in which no accidents were reported.

View full meeting details here:

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