Common Council Meeting 09/07/2022 – Will Vote On Modifications To Street Terrace Policy, Allocation Of 2021 Excess General Fund Balance

The Common Council is meeting 09/07/2022 at 7PM.

There are not a lot of items on the agenda though there are a few that may warrant being separated out for an individual vote.

The first is the modifications to the street terrace policy. These changes were prompted by Alderperson Israel Del Toro’s (District 4) resolution calling for modifications to the city’s existing rules regarding the maintenance and care of street terraces. Although city staff’s final recommendations do not make every change he had initially proposed in his resolution, they would allow residents who seek approval and pay an annual fee to do things in their terrace such as plant gardens, vegetable plants, and hedges taller than 3 feet, install loose stones or sand, and plant private trees. And residents who do not seek approval or pay an annual fee will be free to plant vegetation that grows up to 3’ high.

The second is the mayor’s recommendations on how to use the city’s excess general fund dollars. Mayor Woodford had proposed using it for Aerial Imaging for GIS, College Avenue Traffic Safety, Business Enhancement Grants, Emerald Ash Borer mitigation, Information Technology updates and security, and to create a current year operating reserve.

There was also a request from a resident to waive the administrative fee they received for high weeds. The resident in question never appeared at the Municipal Services Committee to plead their case and, as a result, the committee recommended denying the request to waive the fee without engaging in any discussion. If the resident has reached out to the city since that meeting, I could see that item being referred back for further discussion.

View full meeting details here:

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