Alderperson Van Zeeland Reminds Residents That The Council Vote This Evening On The Request To Discuss Building A Trout Museum Facility In Ellen Kort Peace Park Is Only A Vote To Discuss It Not To Approve Such A Project – “There is no project at this time”

Apparently, residents have been contacting the Common Council with questions and concerns about the possibility of the Trout Museum building a facility on the grounds of the Ellen Kort Peace Park. Council President Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) posted on her Facebook page to let people know that there is currently no project.

The item that the Common Council will be voting on this evening during the 08/03/2022 is merely a request for the city and the Trout Museum to hold discussions about the feasibility and logistics of the Trout Museum locating a facility within the park. There are a number of issues that would have to be suitably answered before such a project would even be able to be brought forward for a vote and it is not certain that, after discussions take place, such a project would even be submitted for approval.

There is an item on the agenda for Wednesday’s Common Council Meeting regarding the Trout Museum and their interest in finding a way to partner with the city in Ellen Kort Peace Park.

Citizens have been emailing with questions and concerns about this project, making it very clear that there is a misunderstanding about what this vote is about.

There is no project at this time.

Since the museum has approached the city, the item has been brought to the Common Council for transparency to make the alders aware of the request made to city staff and to authorize city staff to discuss a possible agreement with the museum further.

It is important that everyone understands that this is not a vote that approves any action or agreement between the city and the museum.

This vote would allow for a more detailed discussion to take place and does not in any way mean that a vote for a discussion is also a vote to move forward.

I see no harm in allowing for the discussion, and I support that discussion being held in a public forum that accounts for public input.

Alderperson Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) on her aldermanic facebook page (08/02/2022)
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