Municipal Services Committee Meeting 07/25/2022 – Will Vote On Assessment Waiver Request, Variance Request For Driveway Extension; Receive Mid-Year Report, June E-Scooter Update

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 07/25/2022 at 4:30PM. While there’s nothing earth-shattering on the agenda, it is fairly heavy with 6 action items and 4 information items. A couple action items of interest are… (1) A request from a business to have their street […]

Follow-Up Regarding Reading And Math Proficiency Rates Of K-3 AASD Students

[Update: during the AGR report to the Board of Education, an AASD employee incorrectly equated a student reaching 100% of their targeted growth with achieving proficiency. Some of the actual proficiency rates for the District are similar to the percentage of AGR students who reached […]

Resolution To Put Marijuana Legalization Referendum On November Ballot Introduced At 07/20/2022 Common Council Meeting

The Common Council met 07/20/2022. During the meeting Resolution 8-R-22 was introduced. Sponsored by Alderpersons Alex Schultz (District 9), Vered Meltzer (District 2), Israel Del Toro (District 4), Joss Thyssen (District 8), Denise Fenton (District 6), Nate Wolff (District 12), and Vaya Jones (District 10), […]

Alderperson Brad Firkus’ Invocation At 07/20/2022 Common Council Meeting – “Having humility and showing others grace in this world takes a lot of strength, more than these other so-called alpha traits, but it’s the change in attitude we need.”

Mayor Woodford: Oh, you’re already quiet. Do I even have to do the gavel? Good evening. I now call to order the Wednesday July 20th, 2022 meeting of the Appleton Common Council. Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alder Firkus. Alderperson Brad Firkus (District 3): […]

Library Board Approves All Action Items, Does Not Have Time To Receive Information Items

The Library Board met 07/19/2022. It was an unexpectedly short meeting. Apparently, due to the members’ schedules, it was difficult for them to get enough members at the meeting for them to have a quorum, and it sounded like some members needed to leave fairly […]

Mayor Woodford To Present 2 Proclamations During 07/20/2022 Common Council Meeting – Parks And Recreation Month And Children’s Week

Tonight, during the 07/20/2022 Common Council meeting, Mayor Woodford will be presenting two mayoral proclamations. In the first, he proclaims July 2022 to be Parks and Recreation Month in Appleton and urges “all citizens to join with other communities in recognizing that parks and recreation […]

Common Council Meeting 07/20/2022 – Will Receive Budget Process Overview

The Common Council is meeting 07/20/2022 at 7PM. Although it’s been a month since the Council last met, it doesn’t look like a particularly eventful agenda. The committee meetings that have taken place were all fairly uncontroversial, and nothing really stands out as something that […]