Fox Cities Transit Commission Meeting 06/21/2022 – Will Review May Ridership And Revenue, Receive Valley Transit II Update, Discuss Neenah Transit Center Relocation Study

The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 06/21/2022 at 3PM. They only have one action item on the agenda which is the approval of the May 2022 payments. The other items are information items which include the May financial report and the May ridership report. […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Meeting 06/20/2022 – Will Consider Request To Build Garage In Front Yard

The Board of Zoning Appeals is meeting 06/20/2022 at 8PM. They will be taking up one variance request. A homeowner is requesting to construct a detached garage 5 feet from the front property line in front of an existing principal building; however, the Zoning Ordinance […]