The Common Council is meeting 06/15/2022 at 7PM.
There are several items of business that will be presented by the mayor. Those include two proclamations, some committee appointments, a recommendation for a city assessor, and a presentation from the League of Wisconsin Municipalities.
It looks like Greg Hartjes will be resigning from the Library Board now that he is taking over as the Superintendent of the Appleton Area School District and Nanette Bunnow will be taking over as the AASD representative on the Library Board.

It’s hard to know what items will be separated out for individual votes. The rezoning and associated Future Land Use Map Amendment for the property owned by the Apostolic Truth Church is on the agenda. The changes would pave the way for the building of a church on that parcel. The City Plan Commission discussed that item during a meeting last month and some commissioners were opposed to changing the zoning and future land use map even though the church has owned the property for three decades with the intention of at some point building a church on it.

There is also a possible 6-month trial for parking changes on Pacific Street. I haven’t had an opportunity to recap that committee discussion, but, in brief, the neighborhood residents were predominantly opposed to the changes and the committee ended up recommending not implementing a trial at this point because there will be construction nearby over the summer which will change the driving patterns in the area, negatively impacting the value of a trial.

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