The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 06/06/2022 at 4:30 PM.
They will be voting on a couple parking change requests, one to implement changes already tested during a 6-month trial period and one to implement a 6-month trial period.
They will also be considering and voting on a request from Appleton Downtown Inc for a waiver to allow dumpsters to be placed in the Jones Park parking lot without the required dumpster enclosure.

City staff is opposed to this request because (a) it would be unfair to waive a requirement that all other businesses are required to adhere to and (b) placing a dumpster in the area they have requested would cause substantial damage to the asphalt surface.

Information items of note include a discussion regarding the creation of a transportation utility. During the 05/23/2022 committee meeting, they received a presentation regarding transportation utilities and listened to the City Attorney’s concerns regarding the legal issues surrounding creating such a utility. The meeting, however, ran long so they had not been able to fully discuss what if any steps they thought should be taken next.
They will also be receiving the May 2022 report on the Bird e-scooter pilot program. Complaints increased from 9 in April to 17 in May and reported accidents went from 1 in April to 3 in May.

[By way of comparison they had 4 reported accidents total during the entire 2021 trial. I’m interested to see if they got into detail at all as to the nature of the recent accidents.]

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