The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 05/24/2022 at 3PM.
They will be voting on a contract for professional services for a Transit Center Needs Assessment and Master Plan. As you may recall, during the March 2022 meeting, Valley Transit General Manager Ron McDonald talked about his vision of turning the transit center into a mixed-use facility that includes housing and a daycare center.
They will also be voting on an update to the Title VI Program.

They will also be receiving a number of information items including an update on the Valley Transit II services, the April financial report, and the April ridership numbers. The Federal Mask Mandate was struck down 04/18/2022, so the buses would have been mask-optional for at least part of the month, but 12 days might not be enough to notice whether that change impacted numbers.
Total number of passengers in April of 2022 stood at 57,698 which was up over 10,000 compared to the 46,267 they had last year, but still 30,000 less than the 87,997 they had in April of 2019 before the pandemic.

View full meeting details here:
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