The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 05/11/2022 at 5:30PM. It appears to be a somewhat eventful meeting with a couple items of particular interest to the public.
On April 15, the Wisconsin Supreme Court adopted the legislative district map drawn by the state legislature. The current city ward map does not align with the state legislative district map and some of the wards need to be changed. There are two options:
- Split some of the existing wards into smaller, separate wards, accommodating the legislative lines but allowing residents to stay within the aldermanic districts they currently occupy.
- Split some wards into smaller wards and revise the Boundaries of Aldermanic Districts 3 and 4. This would result in fewer ballot styles within the district.

The committee will also be taking up Resolution 14-R-21, the Excessive Vehicle Noise resolution. This resolution was initially discussed back in September of 2021 and referred by the committee to staff for further research. Per the memo from Police Chief Todd Thomas, it appears that the issues raised in the resolution are already covered by current Wisconsin traffic law and Appleton Municipal Code.

The committee will also be taking up a number of license applications of various types. Of note, the Police Department is recommending denial for Jacob based on a number of convictions that cast doubt on his ability to serve alcohol safely and interact with police responsibly.

View full meeting details here:
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