The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee is meeting 04/27/2022 at 6:30PM.
They’ll be voting on 3 requests regarding either adding or changing positions.
Valley Transit is asking approval to add a Safety and Compliance Specialist position at an estimated starting cost of $106,000. This seems to be in response to various requirements from the federal government.
They will be voting on a request from the the Fire department to change the Civilian Fire Protection Engineer to a Public Education Specialist/Civilian Fire Inspector. This item will also be taken up by the Safety And Licensing Committee.
Finally, they’ll be voting on a request to approve the addition of .20 FTE HR/IT Administrative Support Assistant in the Information Technology Department. Per the memo, “If approved, this role’s FTE will increase from .80 to 1.0, with 80% of the salary being paid from the Human Resources budget and 20% being paid from the IT budget. The departments’ workloads will be allocated along that same percentage.”
Additionally, the committee will be receiving several information items including an update on the IT Infrastructure, Systems, and Vulnerability Assessment. Although the overall assessment won’t be done for an estimated 3 more weeks, an issue with one of the fiber-optic circuits between City Hall and the Appleton Police Department was discovered that will need to be addressed immediately.
Finally, the committee will receive a report on changes to the general safety policy. In addition to several other additions, it appears that there is now an entire new section devoted to ladder safety.
View full meeting details here:
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