Board Of Zoning Meeting 04/18/2022 – Will Take Up Dumpster Enclosure Request That Was Held At Last Meeting

The Board of Zoning Appeals is meeting 04/18/2022 at 7PM.

They will be taking up the item they put on hold last month which was a request regarding the planned Merge LLC development on the site where the Conway Hotel used to be. The applicant is requesting to place a dumpster enclosure on the south property line. Section 23-43(f)(2) of the Zoning Ordinance requires dumpster enclosures to be five feet from the side and rear property line.

Things didn’t go particularly smoothly during the last meeting. The diagram they submitted was small and difficult to read, and they did not have answers to basic questions such as what type of dumpsters they would be using or how they planned to collect them.

The application has now been updated with an updated diagram and more complete information, so hopefully things will go more smoothly this time.

View full meeting details here:

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