Board Of Zoning Meeting 04/18/2022 – Will Take Up Dumpster Enclosure Request That Was Held At Last Meeting

The Board of Zoning Appeals is meeting 04/18/2022 at 7PM. They will be taking up the item they put on hold last month which was a request regarding the planned Merge LLC development on the site where the Conway Hotel used to be. The applicant […]

Municipal Services Committee Approved 9 Action Items – Codifies Parking Stall Designation For Hilton Hotel, Discusses Intergovernmental Agreement With Outagamie County For County Road Projects, Approves Placement Of Parklet By Vacant Muncheez Building

The Municipal Services Committee met 04/11/2022. They had 9 action items, none of which were particularly controversial or out of the ordinary, although a few did warrant some brief discussion. The first three items were passed 4-0 without any discussion or questions. Request from All […]