Board Of Education Meeting 04/11/2022 – Will Vote On Salary Increases, Purchase Of Spanish Language And American History Textbooks

The Board of Education is meeting 04/11/2022. They will hold a work session at 4PM and then their regular board meeting at 6PM.

The work session will be focused on reviewing and discussing the drafts of the Learning Environment/Student Behavior Interpretations and Indicators document and the Essential Live Skills Interpretations and Indictors document.

During the regular board meeting, they will enter closed session to discuss individual teacher contract matters and a leave of absence. They estimate that they will exist closed session around 6:30PM.

Agenda items include the purchase of books for Spanish Language classes. They want to purchase 3 books.

  1. El Principe de la Niebla (The Prince of Mist) by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, a young adult mystery/horror novel
  2. The Surrender Tree: Poems of Cuba’s Struggle for Freedom/El árbol de la Rendición: Poemas De La Lucha Cuba Por Su Libertad by Margarita Engle, a story about a woman during the revolutions in Cuba.
  3. El Lazarillo de Tormes by an unknown author, a satirical novel about a Spanish boy in the 1500s.

The agenda also includes a request to purchase Cengage National Geographic U.S. History American Stories, Survey to serve as an 8th Grade U.S. History textbook.

The Board will be voting on compensation increases for Administrators, Educators, and Administrative Support Staff.

The Board will also be receiving reports on the charter school contract renewal for Tesla Engineering School and a request to name the Houdini Elementary Gymnasium in honor of Mark Vivoda, but it doesn’t appear that they will be voting on those items.

View full work session meeting details here:

View full regular board meeting details here:

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