Special Council Session To Discuss Anti-Pipeline Resolution Cancelled Due To Lack Of Quorum; Resolution May Be Withdrawn

The Common Council had been scheduled to hold a special session on 03/17/2022 to discuss and vote on Resolution 4-R-22 the Resolution on Clean Water and Treaty Rights. That special session was cancelled due to a lack of a quorum, and Mayor Woodford had indicated during the Common Council meeting on 03/16/2022 that that special session would be rescheduled sometime in the next 60 days.

Resolution 4-R-22: Resolution On Clean Water And Treaty Rights

Alderperson Brad Firkus (District 3) gave some more details about the cancelling of the meeting in a recent post on his aldermanic website, stating, “A number of my colleagues were out of town for spring break vacations or are otherwise not readily available on Thursday nights due to other obligations, but I suspect others took an approach similar to mine in not wanting to participate in discussion over a resolution that takes no meaningful action and has no good outcomes. My hope is we will eventually either be able to see this withdrawn or tabled indefinitely with minimal discussion as I have no desire to see this resolution turn into something for the council and community at large to engage in a circus of needless arguments and antagonizing behaviors.”

Statement posted on Alderperson Brad Firkus’ website 03/20/2022

As was recently highlighted by the Intoxicated Bartender Resolution, the Common Council currently has no rules in place regarding the withdrawal of resolutions, but it was indicated during the Safety and Licensing Committee when the Intoxicated Bartender Resolution was denied and reiterated by Alderperson Firkus in his post that the Council will be able to craft a rule allowing for the withdrawal of resolutions during the upcoming organizational meeting in April after the April 5 election.

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