Municipal Services Committee Meeting 03/21/2022 – Will Hear Appeal Of $75 Ice Removal Fee

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 03/21/2021 at 4:30PM.

Most of the action items on the agenda seem to be generally routine, consisting of approvals of things like minor changes to parking and intersection controls.

One resident is requesting to have his sidewalk snow removal assessment of $75 waived. Apparently, property owners are *not* sent a courtesy notice that they are in violation of the city’s snow and ice removal ordinance before the city responds to a complaint and shovels or lays down salt. As far as I can gather from the pictures in the agenda packet, on March 1 the property owner’s sidewalk was very icy so the city laid down a bunch of salt. If the recent appeal of a $75 tire collection fee is any indication of how things will go, this resident will probably not have their appeal upheld.

The committee does also have a number of information items including a review of the crosswalk installation evaluation guidance flowchart, a discussion of the desired process for a possible redesign of Soldier Square, and an update on educational documents regarding the changes to large item curbside collection.

View full meeting details here:

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