Coronavirus Numbers For 03/06/2022 – 03/12/2022

Over the course of 03/06/2022 to 03/12/2022 Appleton recorded 26 confirmed coronavirus cases and 5 probable cases. Deaths remained unchanged at 81. The community risk level is currently “Low”. We are just a few short days away from March 18 which will be the two year anniversary of Appleton’s first recorded coronavirus case.

Appleton’s current 7-day running average of confirmed and probable cases is 4.43 as compared to 12.86 on this day last year. From March 18, 2020 (the day of Appleton’s first case) through March 12, 2021 Appleton recorded 63 deaths with/from coronavirus and had a death rate for known cases of 0.80%. That compares to 18 such deaths from during the same timeframe beginning March 18, 2021 and a death rate of only 0.14%.

Since Appleton’s first recorded case on March 18, 2020, 28.58% of Appleton’s approximately 75,000 residents are known to have had a confirmed or probable cases of coronavirus. 0.11% have died with or from coronavirus. 71.42% are not known to have had covid.

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