A Recap Of The Long And Winding Paths Taken By The City Branding Resolution And The Resolution Reallocating The City Rebranding Funds

The City Branding Resolution and now the resolution that has come after it calling for the brand study funds to be reallocated have travelled some winding paths. A reader had suggested I recap what happened with them, which I thought was a good idea. A […]

Board Of Education Receives Mid-Year Review On Student Academic Scorecard Goals – Percentage Of Students At Or Above Grade Level Proficiency Lower Than Last Year

On 02/28/2022 the Appleton Area School District Board of Education received a mid-year review on how the District was doing on the district score card goals. Pillar 2 is the District’s “Student Success” pillar and is focused on ensuring “every student is academically, socially, and […]

AASD Board Of Education Meeting 03/07/2022 – Will Review Community Survey Regarding Potential Referendum

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 03/07/2022. They will be holding a work session at 4PM and then the official Board meeting at 6PM. In the work session, they will be working on operational expectations for instructional programs and for the […]