Common Council Approves Skywalk Sign For Lombardi’s Steakhouse And Preliminary Resolution For Concrete Pavement, Driveway Aprons and Sidewalk Construction

The Common Council met 03/02/2022. The agenda was pretty uneventful, but Alderperson Alex Schultz (District 9) did ask for two items from Municipal Services to be separated out for individual votes.

The first was item 22-0194 t request to replace hotel signage on the College Avenue Skywalk with sign for Vince Lombardi’s Steakhouse.

Alderperson Schultz somewhat jokingly explained that he separated this out because they should have something to talk about before they went home. He did have a question and wanted to know if there was any program in place if two or three more businesses attached to this skywalk or the other skywalk I the city approached the city about installing their sign on the skywalk. “How do we leverage that space and make decisions to allow maybe someone else to also use that?”

Deputy Director Ross Betow said he was not aware of any formal or long-term plans for the full utilization of that particular skywalk. Each request was brought to the Council on their individual merits and there were municipal codes that controlled some of the parameters also. He was not aware of any requests for staff to do a study on the full usage of that skywalk or other locations throughout the city.

There was no further discussion and the Council voted 13-0 to approve the item with Alderperson Schultz abstaining.

The second item he separated out was item 22-0212 “Preliminary Resolution 1-P-22 for Concrete Pavement, Driveway Aprons and Sidewalk Construction”

Alderperson Schultz asked if they had any sense of a general estimate for what a typical homeowner might be assessed for work of this nature.

Deputy Director Betow answered that, at this time, the assessment policy dictated that the assessments were to be based on the actual bid prices that are received. Those bids were just opened so staff still had to do an analysis of the bids. Additionally, the assessment policy was very specific regarding which elements of construction were assessable. Staff would analyze the bids and then they could generate a rate. He said they could certainly follow-up with any alderpersons who had questions once the specific rate was established.

Mayor Woodford asked if that information would be communicated directly to the affected homeowners.

Deputy Director Betow responded that they would be notified of the assessment and encouraged to contact staff who could then provide detailed information on each property.

The Council members had no further questions and approved the item 14-0

View full meeting details and video here:

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