AASD Assistant Superintendent Steve Harrison Answers Questions About The Use Of Supplemental Materials In Classrooms, Declines To Explain How Members Of The Public Who Do Not Have Students In A Specific Class Could View Course Materials, Explains That Supplemental Materials Do Not Require Board Approval

In 2021, in order to gain a better understanding of what was being taught in public schools, the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty made open records requests to the nine largest school districts in the state. They asked for materials from several English and […]

Utilities Committee Approves $65.98 Water Bill Credit Adjustment For Property Owner, Discusses How Residents Are Informed Of AquaHawk Water Use Monitoring System

I’m going to start off this post by telling all City of Appleton property owners that they can sign up for an AquaHawk account here: https://www.appleton.org/residents/water/customer-portal Based on what I observed in this meeting, it sounds like something you should strongly consider as it will […]

Municipal Services Approves 3 Items And Receives Update On Changes to Leaf And Bulky Overflow Collection

The Municipal Services Committee met 02/07/2022. In addition to approving the Memorandum of Understanding with Bird, Inc to conduct a second e-scooter pilot program and receiving an update on the city’s Pedestrian Crosswalk Enhancement Program, they also approved 3 other action items and received two […]

Superintendent Baseman Suggests That Next Fall AASD Will Respond To Covid Like It Responds To Flu, Does Not Provide A Timeline As To When That Change Will Be Implemented

Public school open enrollment and private school voucher open enrollment are both currently taking place. The public school open enrollment window ends April 29, 2022 and the private school voucher open enrollment ends April 15, 2022. In light of the fact that parents, particularly those […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Second Pilot Program For Bird E-Scooters

The Municipal Services Committee met 02/07/2022. One of the items they took up was the request to approve a Memorandum of Understanding with Bird Rides, Inc. to initiate a Dockless, Stand-up Electric Scooter Pilot Program for 2022. Director of Public Works Paula Vandehey told the […]

Finance Committee Votes To Hold Resolution Reallocating City Brand Funds Until March 7 Committee Meeting

The Finance Committee met 02/07/2022. There were six action items on the agenda. The committee spent the first five or so minutes approving five of those items, but the bulk of the meeting was taken up with discussion of Resolution 2-R-22 which would take the […]

Appleton Assembly Rep Lee Snodgrass Deletes Tweet Suggesting Only Parents Who Can Afford Private School Should Have A Say In Their Children’s Education, Posts Clarifying Follow-Up Tweets

Screenshots of a since deleted tweet by Appleton Assembly Representative Lee Snodgrass are making the rounds on social media. I’ve included both the deleted tweet and her follow up tweets regarding it.