Utilities Committee Meeting 02/22/2022 – Will Receive Additional Information On AquaHawk Water Use Monitoring System

The Utilities Committee is meeting 02/22/2022 at 5PM.

They have a number of standard-looking action items including an update to the Municipal Code regarding Stormwater Management Standards and Planning, the approval of the Annual Stormwater Report to the DNR, and the approval of several contracts.

The one information item on the agenda is a follow-up to questions raised at the previous Utilities Committee meeting regarding the AquaHawk water use monitoring system. This seems like the agenda item likely to hold the most interest to the community at large.

View full meeting details here: https://cityofappleton.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=929590&GUID=4BB026A7-2021-4B12-B2D2-9B78FF7F4F79

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