Utilities Committee Approves $65.98 Water Bill Credit Adjustment For Property Owner, Discusses How Residents Are Informed Of AquaHawk Water Use Monitoring System

I’m going to start off this post by telling all City of Appleton property owners that they can sign up for an AquaHawk account here: https://www.appleton.org/residents/water/customer-portal Based on what I observed in this meeting, it sounds like something you should strongly consider as it will […]

Municipal Services Approves 3 Items And Receives Update On Changes to Leaf And Bulky Overflow Collection

The Municipal Services Committee met 02/07/2022. In addition to approving the Memorandum of Understanding with Bird, Inc to conduct a second e-scooter pilot program and receiving an update on the city’s Pedestrian Crosswalk Enhancement Program, they also approved 3 other action items and received two […]