Public school open enrollment and private school voucher open enrollment are both currently taking place. The public school open enrollment window ends April 29, 2022 and the private school voucher open enrollment ends April 15, 2022.
In light of the fact that parents, particularly those wanting to pursue private school options, are facing hard deadlines I reached out to Appleton Area School District Superintendent Judy Baseman and Board of Education President Kay Eggert and asked them to please provide the District’s plans for the fall including the metrics for requiring masking and for moving to virtual learning as well as what quarantine and isolation procedures will look like in the fall.
While Board President Eggert did not respond, Superintendent Baseman did provide her thoughts. She will be retiring in June and will not be overseeing the District this coming fall; however, this is what she had to say….
If we have learned anything throughout this pandemic, it is that it is nearly impossible to make accurate predictions regarding the status of the pandemic, especially for a time that is still eight months into the future.
While we cannot provide a premature decision, we can share how we would come to that decision and what our process may look like.
•The way we mitigate COVID will most likely mirror how we deal with/mitigate other communicable diseases such as the flu.
•Metrics used would most likely be based upon illness-related student/staff absences, similar to what we currently track with the seasonal flu.
•We would work with our Public Health Department and continue to monitor recommendations from local, state, and national organizations.”
I did follow up by asking if there was a timeline for when AASD would start treating Covid the way it treats the flu. As of this posting I have not received a response, but it has only been one day since I asked the question and I’m hopeful there will be further details provided next week.
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