Common Council Approves Three Items – Special Use Permit For Club Car Wash, Alcohol License For Alpine Swift Restaurant, And New Parklet Policy

The 02/02/2022 Common Council was a short meeting under 30 minutes in length. Three items were separated out for individual votes, but none of those items took very long to discuss. The three items in question were (1) the Special Use Permit #1-22 for a […]

Common Council Receives Covid-19 Update – Breakthrough Cases Seem To Be Holding Steady At 20-25% Of Total Cases

During the 02/02/2022 Common Council meeting, the Council members received a brief Covid-19 update. Interim Health Officer Sonja Jensen reviewed the standard pack of slides presenting Covid-19 related data. During the previous week, Appleton had had 685 total confirmed and probable cases, then was down […]