The Appleton Common Council met 01/19/2022. The meeting was not particularly eventful. No agenda items were separated out for individual votes and the meeting was completed in under 30 minutes. However, the first two resolutions of 2022 were introduced at that meeting.
Resolution #1-R-22 Intoxicated Bartender Ordinance was introduced by Alderperson Michael Smith (District 10) would make it unlawful for a licensee or employee of a licensed establishment to serve alcohol while under the influence of an intoxicant. It was referred to the Safety and Licensing Committee for review.
Resolution #2-R-22 Resolution To Improve Communication, Technology, & Pedestrian Safety was submitted by alderpersons Katie Van Zeeland (District 5), Brad Firkus (District 3), Denise Fenton (District 6), Nate Wolff (District 12), and Joe Prohaska (District 14) would create a style guide to ensure the city logo and stamp are used appropriately as well as take the money currently set aside for the city’s rebranding and reallocate to a redesign of the city’s website, add to the enhanced crosswalk program, and address needed technology upgrades. This resolution was referred to the Finance Committee for review.
As you may recall, the brand study proposal by Unlisted, LLC that earlier this month was recommended for approval to the Finance Committee had enough issues that the committee decided to hold off on voting on it until representatives from Unlisted come and give a presentation to the committee, answer questions, and address some of the concerns with their initial proposal. Now it appears that 1/3rd of the Council would rather use that rebranding money for other things.
Alderperson Van Zeeland has been fairly vocal about her desire to increase funding for the city’s enhanced crosswalk program and, in fact, back in August of 2021, voted against the allocation of the city’s excess general funds specifically due to that issue.
[I’m definitely interested in learning more about this proposal. I did not keep it secret that I don’t think rebranding efforts offer much benefit. My initial feeling without having more details is that these other proposed uses for the money would provide more value than a rebranding would. I look forward to learning more.]
View full meeting details and video here:
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