Coronavirus Numbers For 01/19/2022

On 01/19/2022 Appleton recorded 216 confirmed coronavirus cases and 18 probable cases. Active cases dropped by 49 to 259 while cases out of isolation increased by 283 to 19,062. Deaths remained unchanged at 79.

Appleton’s current 7-day running average for confirmed and probable cases is approximately 224 points higher than it was on this day last year. On a positive note, our 7-day running average is right around where it was 8-9 days ago, so we do not at this point seem to be experiencing the rapid increase in cases we were experiencing earlier this month. Appleton currently has 259 active cases as compared 642 on this day last year. Last year between March 18 (the day of Appleton’s first recorded case) and January 19, Appleton recorded 55 deaths with/from coronavirus and had a known case death rate of 0.79% as compared to 16 deaths during that same timeframe this year with a known case death rate of 0.14%.

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