Public School Open Enrollment And Private School Voucher Enrollment Windows Both Opening At The Beginning Of February

It’s no secret that there have been a lot of intense emotions and discordant viewpoints among parents and the community regarding the Appleton Area School District’s pandemic response over the last two years. Some people have very much appreciated AASD’s choices, while some people have strongly disagreed.

The State of Wisconsin provides the option for students to open enroll into outside districts as well as to utilize school choice vouchers to attend a private school at no additional cost to the students or their parents.

The enrollment application periods for both of these options will be opening in a couple weeks.

The public school open enrollment window for the 2022-23 school year runs from 02/07/2022 – 04/29/2022. This option can be utilized by parents/guardians of students within the Appleton Area School District who want to continue using public schools but are no longer satisfied with the services they are receiving from AASD and would prefer to move their child to another district. It can also be utilized by parents/guardians of students in other districts who like what they see in Appleton and want their children to be served by AASD.

You can view more information about Public School Open Enrollment here:

The Wisconsin Parental Choice Program enrollment window for the 2022-23 school year runs from 02/01/2022 – 04/15/2022. This option can be utilized by families that would like to forgo public schools entirely and seek private school services instead. Families that are new to the School Choice program must also have a household income that falls beneath the limit set by law.

You can view more information about the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program here:

You can find further information here:

There may be enrollment caps for each of these options set either by the schools themselves or by the state so families that are interested in pursuing one of these options may want to investigate them sooner rather than later.

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