Board Of Zoning Appeals Meeting 01/17/2022 – Will Take Up Two Variance Requests Regarding Signage At St. Bernadette Parish

The Board of Zoning Appeals is meeting 01/17/2022 at 7PM. They will be taking up two variance requests from one applicant. St. Bernadette Parish at 2331 E. Lourdes Dr. houses Iris Place, The Richardson School, and the Thompson Center on Lourdes. They already have 2 […]

Board Of Health Receives Covid-19 Update – Discusses Increased Case Count And How To Increase Vaccination Rate

Although the Honeybee Rescue Resolution was the only action item on the agenda, the vast bulk of the 01/12/2022 Board of Health meeting was taken up by the Covid-19 update. [I would say the TL:DR is that they discussed the marked increases in cases, how […]