Honeybee Rescue Resolution Passes Through Board Of Health With Minor Changes

The Board of Health met 01/12/2022. The one action item they took up was the Honeybee Rescue Resolution. This resolution has not seemed to be controversial, and they spent only a couple minutes dealing with it.

Alderperson Vered Meltzer (District 2), who is the main sponsor of the resolution, started things off by offering a substitute resolution.

In the original resolution, the language surrounding hives on residential vs non-residential properties had not been the same. The purpose of the amendment was to clarify that the intention was for it to mean the same thing in both places.

Board member Dr. Lee Vogel had thought that the Board of Health was no longer the committee of jurisdiction for beekeeping and bee resolutions, but she was not correct, and it was confirmed the Board of Health was in control of it.

After that question was answered,  Board Chair Cathy Spears asked if anyone else had questions or comments.

Alderperson Meltzer said, “As the author I just want to say I think that this resolution will really improve our ability as a community to protect and rescue the honeybee. Right now we have a wonderful opportunity for residents to be able to keep bees but just what we’re changing today will enable that additional keeping of the nucleus colonies. It’ll help the rescuing part of honeybees be something [to] be done in our community. So, really, again, I just wanna thank everyone for their work on this.”

The motion to amend passed unanimously, then the item as amended passed unanimously.

View full meeting details and video here: https://cityofappleton.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=921501&GUID=FF834A85-C1C3-41FE-AF45-8F7D97BEAF81

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