Board Of Education Meeting 01/10/2022 – Will Reconsider, Discuss, And Vote On “Mask Optional” Date

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 01/10/2021. They’d hold a work session at 4:00PM and then start the Board meeting proper at 4:30PM or upon the conclusion of the Work Session. They will start the meeting out by moving to closed session, and it looks like they will be discussing two items (1) the potential purchase of property and (2) an employee promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation matter.

The Board will then return to open session and reconvene at 6PM for the public portion of the meeting.

The meeting looks chalk full of items. The items that I expect have garnered the most interest from the public are Items 12-C and 13-A, the Leadership Team’s Covid-19 update and then the “Potential Reconsideration of Mask Optional Date” by the Board of Education. The Board had voted to make masking optional starting 01/18/2022; they will be reconsidering that decision a week before it would have gone into effect.

Although that is most likely the main reason the public will be tuning into the meeting, there are a number of other items on the agenda. Some highlights include:

  • They’ll review and discuss the focus group and survey information regarding a Superintendent Profile for the new superintendent search.
  • They will be draw lots for the placement of the Board of Education candidates on the February 15 primary ballot.
  • They will vote on a new charter school contract for Wisconsin Connections Academy, AASD’s virtual charter school.
  • They will discuss Wisconsin Association of School Boards (WASB) resolutions.

View full meeting details here:

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