A Preliminary Response From Superintendent Baseman Regarding Virtual School Next Fall And Plans To Help Failing Students

I did want to give a bit of an update on a post from last week. As you may recall, I had been communicating with Appleton Area School District Superintendent Judy Baseman. There were a couple questions I had…. (1) In light of the fact […]

Alderpersons Patti Coenen And Corey Otis’s Invocation At 03/17/2021 Common Council Meeting – Advice And Gratitude As They Prepare To Step Down From The Council

The 03/17/2021 Appleton Common Council meeting was the last Council meeting before the election. Alderpersons Patti Coenen and Corey Otis are not seeking reelection, so they gave a joint invocation as a way of saying goodbye. Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderpersons […]